JoSAA 2016 Schedule of Events Released

Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) has released schedule of events for the year 2016. JoSAA is responsible to manage and regulate the seat allocation procedure for admissions to 22 IITs, ISM, 31 NITs, 20 IIITs and 18 other Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs).

JEE Main 2016 All India Rank (AIR) list is to be declared on 23rd June, 2016 and registration cum choice filling for JoSAA 2016 begins on 24th June. JEE Advanced 2016 results were already declared on 12th this June.

Mock seat allocation will be published between10:00AMand 4:00PM on 27th June based on the choices filled-in by the candidates by 5:00PM on 26th June. Registration and filling-in choices closes by 5:00PM on 28th June.

Choice Filling Process

Candidates have to fill their choices (a combination of academic program and institute) in the order of preference according to their eligibilities (JEE Main Paper1, JEE MAIN Paper2 and JEE Advanced). Candidates eligible with more than one exam will be allocated with one seat only based on the highest possible choice available from their filled-in choices. Candidates have to carefully workout the order of choices by prioritizing the desired academic programs and institutes. Mock seat allocation can be utilized by the candidates to refine the choices to enhance the scope of better seat allocation. Candidates have to lock the final choices by 5:00PM on 28th June, or else last saved choices will be locked automatically.

Seat Allocation Process

Seat allocation will be done in four rounds, and in each round provisional seat allotment will be done. Candidates who are provisionally allotted a seat have to follow the steps as below:

  1. Download “Provisional allotment letter” and e-Challan for remittance of seat acceptance fee.
  2. Remit the seat acceptance fee using e-Challan or by SBI net-banking
  3. Report for document verification at concerned reporting center with in stipulated dates.

Note: Candidates who don’t remit the seat acceptance fee or don’t report for document verification will be considered as “Rejected Seat” and will not be allowed for participating in further rounds

Upon successful document verification the seat will be confirmed by the reporting center. Finally the seat allocation has to be accepted by the candidate by choosing one from the Freeze, Float and Slide options.

Candidate can choose the 'Freeze' option if satisfied with the allocated seat and don’t want to participate in further rounds.

Candidate can choose the 'Float' option to be considered for the next round of seat allocation for a better academic program and institute of higher preference if any available in the list of choices filled-in by the candidate.

Candidate can choose the 'Slide' option to be considered for the next round of seat allocation for a better academic program within the same institute of higher preference if any available in the list of choices filled-in by the candidate.

Note:  Candidate who was allocated a seat with the highest preference will not have option to choose the Float or Slide options. Candidates who choose the float or slide option have to accept the seat if allocated in the next round, and will loose the seat accepted in previous round. Float and Slide options will not be available after fourth round of seat allocation.

After concluding final acceptance of seat a candidate has to report the admitting institute and complete the remaining admission formalities.

Schedule of Events


Time (IST)


23 June 2016


Joint Apex Board declares JEE (Main) 2016 AIRs

24 June 2016


Candidates registration and fill-in their choices of academic programs begins

27 June 2016

10:00 to 16:00

Display of mock seat allocation based on the choices filled-in by candidates as of 26 June 2016, 17:00 IST

28 June 2016

29 June 2016


Candidates registration and fill-in their choices of academic programs ends

29 June 2016


Reconcile the data, allocate seats, verify and validate

30 June 2016


Seat allocation (1st round)

Four or Five days


Acceptance of seat (1st round)

After 1st round seat


Display of seats filled / availability status

acceptance, one day


Seat allocation (2nd round)

Two or Three days


Acceptance/withdrawal of seat (2nd round)

After 2nd round seat


Display of seats filled / availability status

acceptance, one day


Seat allocation (3rd round)

Two or Three days


Acceptance/withdrawal of seat (3rd round)

After 3rd round seat


Display of seats filled / availability status

acceptance, one day


Seat allocation (4th round)

One or Two days


Acceptance of seat (4th round)


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